Learn More About Bill and Cammy
Our clients are often delighted to see that we wear the kilt. Strangely, I’d say, in my experience, there are probably only around 5% of the guides in Scotland who wear the kilt regularly and that surprises many visitors to Scotland.
Nowadays kilts can be had very cheaply indeed from bargain stores in Edinburgh, but they couldn’t be expected to last any time at all with regular wear. A good kilt outfit which you could use daily would probably set you back $1,000. Many of our colleagues are not so committed.
Bill Hill
Bill has over 40 years experience of entertaining the public. He has written some of the funniest songs to have come out of Scotland. Read more!
Cammy Goodall
Cammy is not any old guide! He continues to surprise with his ability to make amazing memories. Read more!
Su Pollock
Su has a passion for Glasgow and she longs to share it with you. Read more!
We love to put the kilt on anyway, but the way it makes YOU feel? That’s the reason we do it. We are superstar guides, because you deserve to travel with the best. We want each moment we spend together to exceed your expectations in every imaginable way.
We know this city. That’s far more than just a thorough guidebook, a super up-to-date map, an app or even a well-informed cabbie can claim. This city thrums through the blood of us, coursing our veins and spilling from every pore. It’s not just a thorough knowledge of great eateries. It’s far more than just an encyclopaedic knowledge of the city’s history and its famous denizens. It goes beyond even an up-to-date knowledge of events in town and what is opened and closed and when.
It is an ability to open the doors that are locked to you. It is being hailed on the streets by friends and well-wishers. It is having the ear of doormen, concierges and staff all over town. For, as Rudyard Kipling so elegantly says, “when you can walk with Kings – nor lose the common touch … Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it”.
Walk with the tour Kings of Edinburgh and feel your stature grow.